Sound Beginnings is a family music class for children ages 0-4 and a parent or caregiver.

Attend a Sample Class

Try a free sample class to experience the music with your child in a safe and comfortable classroom with other students and parents of their age group. You’ll see how your child responds to class and if it will be a good fit.

Class Details

  • 15 weeks (Fall class: September- December; Thursdays at 10:30 am)

  • 15 weeks (Spring class: January - April; Thursdays at 10:30 am)

  • Classes are 30 minutes long

  • Parent(s)/caregiver attend with child(ren)

Classes include singing, movement, instrument play, nursery rhymes, games, stories, and ear training activities.

Sound Beginnings Demo

Take a quick peek of what class looks and sounds like. Listen to an audio track or attend a sample class.